
November 23, 2011


HAIKU - a simple typical Japanese poem of unique 3 lines seventeen syllables pattern. It has no rhyme, no meter and its purpose is to communicate the feeling of a single moment through using images/mental pictures. It sketches a quick picture of a scene from everyday life by using a “kigo”(seasonal word) that suggests/hints the feeling being conveyed. It is noted for its brevity, beauty, intensity of emotion being conveyed and the use of nature to convey a passing moment in life. Here, noble subjects are treated indirectly with delicacy of touch and tenderness.

EUPHONY – is the use of a pleasant, harmonious-sounding combination of words, especially in poetry. Since poems are meant to be read for full enjoyment, their sound should ne pleasing to the ear. The sound should be musical. The musical sound is achieved by the repetition of syllables and phrases.

TANKA - a classic Japanese verse form expressing intense emotion in 5 lines comprising 31 syllables following 5-7-5-7-7 syllables pattern. It is a brief but beautiful poem that describes strikingly beautiful scenery that appeal to the senses. They originally developed from songs. 

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