
July 11, 2012

The Camachile and The Passion

Once upon a time, there grew in a forest a large camachile tree along with many other trees with beautiful flowers that attracted travelers. Though its crown was beautifully shaped, for its leaves received enough sunlight, it had no flowers that could compete with the rest. One day…

Camachile:          Oh, what a dreary life I have! I wish I had flowers like the rest
                              so I would be appreciated and visited.
Passion:               (Seizing the opportunity to improve its lot) Why is your
     life dreary?         
Camachile:          Oh, Passion! Just imagine that you were as unappreciated as I
                              am!!! People don’t notice me for I do not have flowers.
Passion:               Oh, that’s easy! Just let me climb on you and I’ll display on you
                              crown my beautiful flowers so many will come and see you.

               Camachile consented and let Passion climb up. After a few days, Passion reached the top and soon covered the crown. After a few months, Camachile realized something.

Camachile:          Oh Passion. What pain I am in! I can’t get sunlight. Your
                              beauty is of no  value. I am being smothered so leave me.
                              I beg of you.

               Passion, however, would not leave and eventually, Camachile died.

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